Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Is Beonpush A Scam? You Be The Judge!

From: Damien Franklin
Date: 03-22-2016
Subject: Is Beonpush A Scam?
Lunch: Tuna salad and crackers

You know what?

It always seems that when a new opportunity presents itself that people are having great success with is we have to go to almighty oracle Google to dig up as much dirt on an opportunity so we can cast it off as another online marketing scam and rid ourselves of the temptation to actually try something new that is successful. 

This short video is to show you if Beonpush is a scam or a ponzi scheme. 

Their is plenty of skepticism when a new revenue sharing opportunity presents itself, and more often then
not, a lot of people jump on this as an opportunity to lead people astray and mislead people so that they can get a ton of traffic to their websites. 

Most people who call any company a scam or people who did not get results with that company due to  their lack of effort, work ethic or ability to follow a strategy. 

I'm not dismissing the fact that scams do indeed exist, however we all have this mental mechanism in your mind that goes into a defensive mode and immediately wants to google the companies name and find as much dirt and negative feedback before we attempt to joining the opportunity.

Beonpush is a real-time-bidding company based out of the U.K and uses three different revenue streams to reward it's affiliates. 

The idea of this Beonpush scam agenda is based off of a component within the Beonpush compensation plan called a binary compensation model. 

Since this compensation models is largely used by MLM and Network Marketing companies, it is easy for someone who has an agenda against MLM or Network Marketing companies to automatically single out Beonpush and move forward with a Beonpush scam. 

If you do a google search for Beonpush review or Beonpush scam, you will ultimately have two websites that  rank #1 and #2 in the search engines. 

In this Beonpush scam video, I uncover some misleading wording as well as outright lies concerning Beonpush and whether or not they have a legit argument for a Beonpush scam. 

These jokers have one agenda: Write provocative and intriguing articles and blog posts to get a ton of traffic to their websites so that they can give those traffic statistics to advertisers who in turn pay them to advertise more ad's on their website. 

The Beonpush scam movement is exactly what these people crave. They mislead readers by Beonpush scam based wording and try to discredit the company for their own traffic generating agendas.

Conclusion about is Beonpush a scam?

Beonpush is growing business that many people are jumping aboard to start a very lucrative online business and are being rewarded by a 150% revenue sharing platform that also involves an affiliate program that pays 13% for direct referral purchases as well as 2% indirect referral purchases. 

The third income stream is a binary compensation model that pays 10% daily on sales volume from ad packs that is purchased that day.

Beonpush isn't a scam. It's an easy way for people who are looking for a legit online business to actually make an income within their first day of using it. 

To really succeed with Beonpush you need a marketing strategy that allows you to combine all three incomes streams together to make Beonpush work for you.

I have put together a Beonpush review that goes through the nuts-and-bolts of what it is, how it works and how you can be successful. 

You can find that here.

Joining Beonpush is easy, I've created a tutorial for you to get started now.

If you want a legit Beonpush business with a done-for-you funnel and marketing system, check ours out.

Please share this video if you find value because is beonpush a scam? 

No it isn't.

Watch my full review here.

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