Friday, March 25, 2016

Marketing Tyrant Blog: The Future Of Social Media Is Here!

The Future Of Social Media is here and it's going to put Facebook to shame. In this short but controversial blog, a new social media platform is exploding.. More Info? Click Here

The Future Of Social Media Is Here

From: Damien Franklin
Date: 03-25-2016
Subject: The Future Of Social Media Is Here
Breakfast: Oatmeal with a touch of cinnamon

I get a lot of emails from my list about not having the money to start their own business. It frustrates me that people can go buy a pair of Air Jordan's for $220 or spend $80 at the bar once a week but complain they can't start a home business because they are broke. I mean I get it, however it's a mindset issue not a money problem. So if your broke and want to really start a home business...

Well, I have good news for you.

First let me ask you this question: Has Facebook ever sent you a check for posting, liking, sharing, uploading, messaging etc.. ?

Me neither.

So in my attempt to look for a new platform that is made for the average "I'm broke and can't start a home business but I blow $220 on Air Jordan's" person out there I found a no excuse business that anyone can start either for free or for a whopping $10. 

Lo' and behold, my business partner Steve Dourdil from the U.K sent me an invite to a hangout from Leaders League 360 about a new business that is gaining momentum in Europe. 

Now this business isn't any other type of business that you see online. In fact, this business is the future of social media as we know it. It's called FutureNet.

This company started in 2012 and is growing about 100,000 subscribers in the last month. It's kinda like Facebook. You log-in, you check your updates, you browse your friends posts, you share them, like them, find and add friends, comment and maybe play a game or watch a video while your their. 

However the difference between FutureNet and Facebook is...

You get paid by FutureNet to do the simple tasks that we all love to do on Facebook.

That's right. You get paid for logging in. You get paid for commenting. You get paid for sharing peoples posts. You get paid for uploading content. You get paid for messaging. You get paid for damn near everything that the average Facebookaholic would do on a daily basis. 

I've put a video below so that you review the hang out that I attended to get an idea of how this new super social media giant is making it's way across Europe and soon to be in North America.

With this social media business, you have what are called "matrix's". This is basically a friends tree, much like most network marketing companies have a member tree. 

The business matrix starts at $10, $25, $50 for product members. If you really want to get going with this as a business, you have the business matrix which starts out at $100, $500, and $1000. 

Whatever purchase you make, you purchase that matrix along with the other matrix's under them. So if you buy the $100 business package, you also get the $10, $25, $50 and $100 matrix's for a total of $185 one-time payment. 

Then when you refer people to FutureNet, you will make a commission on whatever matrix they join, products they buy or tasks they perform. The details for the entire commission structure are laid out in this video.

If you would like to watch it from an easy-to-view web page, just click here for the full review. It is a bit complicated for me to write a full blog about how this commission structure works because I just started myself and haven't really had the time to create a full review on it. 

Today, I'm going to dig deep and get some YouTube videos going on it to drive traffic to my site and promote it to my list and see what type of response I get. I'll post the results later this week for you to check out.

I just wanted to give you a quick post about the future of social media is here and all I can say is WOW. I joined FutureNet after the hangout and I've made a $2.51 commission....for just logging in. 

See proof below:

So if your looking for an online business that you can either join for free, pay just $10 to start a real online business, or have a solution for your subscribers that just don't seem to have the money to start a real online business, FutureNet might be the solution you've been waiting for.

To get started, I recommend signing up for free here, then browse around the site and take a look at the welcome videos and educate yourself on what FutureNet is so you can make an educated decision about taking your business to the next level.

Thanks for viewing, and please share this blog if you've found value and can help people. And as always, you can contact me by emailed me at or call me at (314) 825-0225.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Is Beonpush A Scam? You Be The Judge!

From: Damien Franklin
Date: 03-22-2016
Subject: Is Beonpush A Scam?
Lunch: Tuna salad and crackers

You know what?

It always seems that when a new opportunity presents itself that people are having great success with is we have to go to almighty oracle Google to dig up as much dirt on an opportunity so we can cast it off as another online marketing scam and rid ourselves of the temptation to actually try something new that is successful. 

This short video is to show you if Beonpush is a scam or a ponzi scheme. 

Their is plenty of skepticism when a new revenue sharing opportunity presents itself, and more often then
not, a lot of people jump on this as an opportunity to lead people astray and mislead people so that they can get a ton of traffic to their websites. 

Most people who call any company a scam or people who did not get results with that company due to  their lack of effort, work ethic or ability to follow a strategy. 

I'm not dismissing the fact that scams do indeed exist, however we all have this mental mechanism in your mind that goes into a defensive mode and immediately wants to google the companies name and find as much dirt and negative feedback before we attempt to joining the opportunity.

Beonpush is a real-time-bidding company based out of the U.K and uses three different revenue streams to reward it's affiliates. 

The idea of this Beonpush scam agenda is based off of a component within the Beonpush compensation plan called a binary compensation model. 

Since this compensation models is largely used by MLM and Network Marketing companies, it is easy for someone who has an agenda against MLM or Network Marketing companies to automatically single out Beonpush and move forward with a Beonpush scam. 

If you do a google search for Beonpush review or Beonpush scam, you will ultimately have two websites that  rank #1 and #2 in the search engines. 

In this Beonpush scam video, I uncover some misleading wording as well as outright lies concerning Beonpush and whether or not they have a legit argument for a Beonpush scam. 

These jokers have one agenda: Write provocative and intriguing articles and blog posts to get a ton of traffic to their websites so that they can give those traffic statistics to advertisers who in turn pay them to advertise more ad's on their website. 

The Beonpush scam movement is exactly what these people crave. They mislead readers by Beonpush scam based wording and try to discredit the company for their own traffic generating agendas.

Conclusion about is Beonpush a scam?

Beonpush is growing business that many people are jumping aboard to start a very lucrative online business and are being rewarded by a 150% revenue sharing platform that also involves an affiliate program that pays 13% for direct referral purchases as well as 2% indirect referral purchases. 

The third income stream is a binary compensation model that pays 10% daily on sales volume from ad packs that is purchased that day.

Beonpush isn't a scam. It's an easy way for people who are looking for a legit online business to actually make an income within their first day of using it. 

To really succeed with Beonpush you need a marketing strategy that allows you to combine all three incomes streams together to make Beonpush work for you.

I have put together a Beonpush review that goes through the nuts-and-bolts of what it is, how it works and how you can be successful. 

You can find that here.

Joining Beonpush is easy, I've created a tutorial for you to get started now.

If you want a legit Beonpush business with a done-for-you funnel and marketing system, check ours out.

Please share this video if you find value because is beonpush a scam? 

No it isn't.

Watch my full review here.

Beonpush Review: What Is Beonpush?

From: Damien Franklin
Date: 03-22-2016
Subject: Beonpush Review
Plans Tonight: Write Blog Posts (I'm a party animal)

Hey there, today were gonna talk about Beonpush. I've been getting alot of emails asking me about this new and exciting revenue sharing platform, so I decided to do some research, post a blog and do a video for you. So in this blog and video, I'll answer the four questions I always get:

  • What is Beonpush
  • How Does Beonpush Work
  • How Can You Earn Money With Beonpush
  • How You Can Succeed With Beonpush

In this video your'll learn what Beonpush is, how it works, how to earn money using Beonpush and how you an succeed using the right Beonpush strategy.

What is BeonPush?  

BeonPush is a RTB platform that offers it's members the ability to share in its' profit and other high-end business processes. The video above will explain all of this.

The key is to continue growing the machine by purchasing more ad packs each time your balance reaches $100. Once you get 10 $100 ad packs the process will develop much more rapidly. 

To learn how to kick start your business with BeonPush, click on the link below and I will teach you how to get from your humble first ad-pack to 5 ad-packs, and then from 5 to 10, from 10 to 30, and so on. 

How does Beonpush work? 

Beonpush offers quite a lot of Real-Time-Bidding advertising services of the highest possible quality, and delivers them quickly. When people buy these services, the revenues are held by the company.

Ad pack price points very and are very affordable. They start from a $20 ad pack up to a $10,000 ad pack. By just purchases 1 ad pack, your immediately entitled to Beonpush's revenue sharing opportunity.

This isn't a cycle, and there's no time frame affixed, nor guaranteed, because it's completely related to the revenues generated from the sales of services.

How can you earn money with BeonPush?

Beonpush has 3 income streams an active member can participate in. 

Revenue Sharing: 

You receive a certain amount of profit share from 0.05% - 3.5% daily on each ad pack you purchases. The more ad packs you have, the more you'll make. Their are different accelerators depending on which ad pack amount you purchase. The higher the ad pack, the better the accelerator.

Affiliate Program: 

You'll receive 13% commissions when any Direct Referral  buys a any ad pack from $20 to $10,000. You also get 2% of your Indirect Referral purchases which makes it very important to build a team and keep building and building.

Binary Compensation Model:

You'll make 10% on your weakest leg daily volume. If you have 10 direct referrals purchase 10 $100 ad packs, you'd me $100 per day. The 10% comes from your direct and indirect purchases on your weak leg only. 

Think of Beonpush as a profit sharing company and an affiliate offer along with a network marketing compensation model built in together to make one great opportunity.

This is not a guarantee of income, but an example of what you can earn by referring new members to Beonpush. If you have the right Beonpush strategy and referral strategy in place, you can literally quadruple your profits.

How can you earn money with Beonpush?

Each one can be your main focus, or all of them. Naturally, the more you utilize all 3 of these ways to earn money, the more you'll earn. You can either simply buy ad packs and make the 150% profit share. Or if your smart, find a strategy and learn how to build a team of referrals and use the referral program and the binary compensation plan together. It's just simple mathematics.

How can you be successful with Beonpush?

In order to due that successfully, you need a Beonpush strategy and the best way to kick start your business is to use an existing marketing system that combines all of the revenue streams together. 

We have created an all-in-one marketing system as a Beonpush strategy that anyone can have success with. It's the simplest and most fastest way to really get started creating a Beonpush business online. 

Using this strategy, you have a great opportunity to make a great income online while also receiving some great online marketing training in the process. Beonpush is an up and coming company and if your interested in starting an online business, this is the perfect place to start due to the three income streams within the compensation model.

If you'd like to join Beonpush, I've created a tutorial for you to get started here.

If you found value please share this video and leave a comment below, I love the feed back and I hope to see you on my Beonpush team soon!